Shawna Gould's Tragic Loss Inspires a New Beginning

Shawna was inspired to develop a brand that would uplift and support those who have been dealt sour lemons in life.

The Exclusive Lemon Theory Collection: Bringing Positive Vibes and Feel-Good Designs to J-Michael
J-Michael is constantly on the lookout for new and exciting brands and products to offer our customers. We knew we had to be a part of Shawna’s story the moment we heard it. Lemon Theory is a brand that uses shared experiences to empower women, foster community, and promote healing.
The collection features bright, cheerful colors and designs that uplift and inspire. Each piece of clothing tells a story, and every story is unique. It is a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit, and a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope. We are honored to be a part of Shawna’s journey, and we are excited to see where her brand will go in the future.